
Showing posts from July, 2018

Asbestos a serious issue for your health

How serious issue  asbestos ? Asbestos is a serious problem in buildings it can causes of many health issues. The fibers can be inhaled and once in the lungs maybe it can be serious problem later in whole life. Asbestos fibers can lie dormant in a person's lungs for between 15 to 50 years. Asbestos exposure can causes of many chronicle diseases like lung cancer, asbestosis and pleural thickening. You will not believe each year more than 5000 people die of asbestos related diseases. People are not aware about asbestos problem that's why so many death every years happening. We want to tell you it can be more dangerous when its combined with smoking. Asbestos awareness among the people We can say asbestos containing materials are not risky if asbestos are in good condition. However if asbestos could be disturbed in your body it could be more dangerous because fibers will become airborne. Its true asbestos fibres you can't see and smelt in air.And impact of their